Introduction: This is a game for 2-14 players. There will always be 14 players in any game, the computer will play turns for unused major countries allowing new players to join in after the game starts. When a game starts, the computer will be assigned to all countries and all data will be initialize to: Pop. Cash Industry Missiles Antimissles Major Country 200 100 9 10 10 Minor Country 5 0 1 5 5 The computer will control production in the minor countries and all majors that do not have human players assigned to them. Humans may join at anytime and will be assigned a country randomly from the remaining computer controlled major countries. You may only play one major country per game and once destroyed cannot come in again. It is possible that you could be assigned a country that is nearly dead if a war has already started. Sorry, but the computer did the best it could! This is a game of diplomacy and skill. If you can get the other countries to fight with each other, you might just survive World War III intact! Of course, the reason it is called "World War" is that the whole world will probably get drawn into the fight! You have many options available to you during a turn. You may build, sell or give away your resources. You also may spy on other countries, declare war and order attacks(you have to formally declare war first!). The computer players will probably not declare war, but then you never know! One thing for sure is that if someone attacks a computer player, it will retaliate to the best of it's ability! Minor countries take their orders from the Major country that has been the most generous to them. Minor countries do not attack on their own, even if fired upon by another country. Each turn you can give industry, cash, missiles, and antimissles to the minor countries hoping that they like your contributions enough to follow your orders. Minor countries only fire during the maintenance the next day, so who ever gives the most will have their orders listened too! Each day when maintenance is ran, the minor countries will figure out who is the most liked Major country and follow the orders of that country for the day. You may invest in a country and have the highest influence, but if it was not the highest at the start of the day, you will not have control. You can find out how well liked you are in a minor by sending a spy to the country. You can find out about any country by sending a spy. Spy results will occur whenever you ask the spy. However, it takes a day for you spy to arrive in the country so if you give the spy orders to move, he will not report in again until maintenance is run. Maintenance will always occur when the first player of the day attempts to take their turn. You get one turn per day, unless the sysop wishes to reset the maintenance data with a special sysop command. The sysop can play as a regular player. Your Turn: You may access the game any number of times in the day. Each time you play, you may read messages(if any), send messages, buy, sell, give stuff away, and if you have production points, build things. If war is declared, you may fire missles(or order your minors to fire) as many times as you want(until you are out of missles!). Messages will be automatically address with the sender's country, no anonomous messages. You may lie, cheat, steal, or say anything in the messages. It is frowned upon to use profanity, but each message is private so use your own judgement. Note: Nothing is encrypted, and a Sysop can change, set, and list any countries information. If a Sysop is honest, they will not use this to "cheat" in the game. This also means a Sysop can read any messages. One thing you want to keep track of is the "World News tonight". You want to pay close attention to this, alot of information will be included each day. This is a regular new broadcast that all players will see. This will tell you who fired at who(including yourself), who was killed, ect. This may also include propoganda generated by the players. Never believe everything you read in the news! While the computer is honest, you never know about those leaders.... Next is your production and investments. You will be able to designate what your industry produces, what is sold, and what is given away to influence minor countries. You also can recieve your spy reports and reassign spies to new countries at this time. If you miss your turn or do not use all of your production capabilities, the computer will save your production for up to three days worth. After that, the excess production will automatically be used to creating consumer good which will add cash to your treasury. This is the only way other than to sell industry for you to get more cash. When you sell industry, the minor countries will bid to determine the price. It could be small, it could be large! It is totally based on supply and demand. If alot of people sell industry, the price will drop, if only a few, then it could be high! The last area of your turn is declaring war, and/or firing missles at some country. You may fire at any country and will see the results on your next turn. You must declare war prior to firing. When you declare war, a message will appear in the "World News tonight". When any country fires missles, a "launch detected" message will be issued in the new. It should be noted that if a minor fires at you, it was done so under the orders of the country in control YESTERDAY! That could be a totally different country than today! If you fire missiles at a minor country, it will become very upset with you and you lose all your influence. Declaring war must be at someone(Major Country), it does not have to be a "human" controled country... You must fire at least one missile towards the country. The different options are controlled by menu options. You may mix your actions in any order. Some actions will not occur until Maintenance is run the next day. Turns are usually one per day. Missing a turn may not kill you, but if war is declared, you may find that the missles will... Commands: All commands are invoked from the main menu. The main menu looks like: Nuclear Warfare Version x.y Status: Country: Cash: nnnnn Population: nnnnn Production: nnnnn Ind: nnn Missiles: nnn AntiMissles: nnn Spies Assigned to: 1: 2: 3: 1) - Build Industry 2) - Build Missles 3) - Build AntiMissiles 4) - Sell Industry 5) - Sell Production 6) - Send Spy report 7) - Give Industry 8) - Give Missles 9) - Give AntiMissiles C) - Give Cash S) - Spy Status G) - Send Spy N) - Read World News O) - Read Old News M) - Read Messages W) - Declare War! F) - Fire Missles L) - Order Minor Fire J) - Generate News K) - Send Messages P) - General Game Info A) - Abdicate I) - Instructions Q) - Quit for now Build/Sell/Give: You may build with your production. One unit of production builds one third Industry or one Missile/AntiMissile. Unused production can produce consumer goods which generates tax revenue(cash). Selling Industry will also generate cash. Industry sold will go to the Minor that buys the item. Minors will buy with the cash they have. The price you get is determined by what the Minors bid. You might get 1 million, you might get 100, you never know! You may give things to either a Major or Minor country. The Minors will appreciate your gifts to the extent that they may follow your orders during war time(missle fire orders). You may only build while you have production units left. You may only sell/give items you either have or build during the turn. Spying: You may send up to 3 spies out each turn. They will send you messages with information each turn. Your spies will stay at the country you assign them to. You may change where they located at anytime during your turn. You will only get a report from the three countries you have assigned spies to when Maintenance is run. Your spies will give you complete information about the country you have assigned them too. You will have to ask for the Spy Status report to find out what your Spies know... 3 Spies may not seem like alot, that is true. You might want to trade information with other countries. A well formed alliance can cover alot more countries. There is an automatic command for sending your current spy reports to other players. This is also useful to send to yourself to keep track of what is going on where. Messages: You may send messages to any major country. Computer Players will ignore messages sent to them(purged each day). You may send messages to more than one player at the same time. You may purge your messages. If you are reading the current messages, purging messages will cause them to become old message(appended to the end). If purging old messages, they will be deleted permanently. Wartime: During Wartime(after someone declares war), you may fire your missles and order minors to fire theirs. Only the minor where you have the highest populatity index will listen to your orders. Missle fire will be reported in the World News. Computer Players can and will respond to being attacked. The Computer Players like to get revenge for attacks. It can be rather difficult to get a Computer Player to stop firing at you. Sometimes, if you try to establish peace by not firing they sometimes stop their attacks. Minor Countries never fire unless ordered to. During war time, you will be able to order minors to fire for you. This is done by asking for a launch of a number of missiles. The minors will fire what they have up to that amount. You will be told of what minors can and cannot fire for you. Also each minor will generate a "Launch detected" news item. Note, since investments are not immediate, only the Major with the highest index at maintenance time will be in control of a minor. If majors and minor do not fire for a turn, the Wartime status will start to downgrade towards peace... It usually takes several turns of no firing to obtain Peace. Computer Players if fired upon, will fight to the death, but have been known to prefer a peacetime environment. The Computer does however like to get in the last strike. The Computer will also use it's spies to determine who is it's enemy. World News: Don't believe everything you read in the news. Some of the messages might just be lies issued by player countries as propaganda. It is up to you to determine what is the truth and what is lies(that is what the spies are for!). You can issue your own version of the truth in the form of propaganda. Diplomacy: Messages to other players, alliances, propaganda are all part of the diplomacy needed to survive! One country against the world will only suceed if all the other countries fight it out with each other. The best players sometimes win without firing a shot... Victory Conditions: The winner is the one surviving player after all other players are eliminated. Computer Players must be eliminated for a human player to win. The last player alive(it may be the computer...) will be declared the "ruler of the rubble" and placed in the "hall of flames". At that point, decontamination occurs and the game be restarted.... Maintenance Operation overview: If War time: Major Missle Hits occur Reports to News as they occur) Minors recieve orders and fire. if no missle fire, downgrade war status endif Production not used generates cash Minors purchase prices determined. Minor purchases determined Gifts received, popularity indeces updated Spies arrive at new destinations... Spies deliver info. New Production points allocated. Computer Player Plays turn.